1. MYOB Singkatan dari............
a. Mind Your Own Businessb. Mind Your Of Businessc. Made Your Own Businessd. Made Your Of Businesse. Make Your Own Business
a. Cina c. Korea e. Jermanb. Amerika d. Australia
a. Open c. Exit e. Purchaseb. Explore d. Create
a. Membuat file Perusahaan yang barub. Membuka file MYOB yang sudah dibuat sebelumyac. Keluar dari program MYOBd. Menampilkan contoh MYOB yang telah tersediae. Menampilkan berbagai informasi
a. Open c. What’s new e. Exitb. Create d. Explore
a. Open c. Explore e. What’s Newb. Create d. Exit
a. Convertion Month d. Last mont Of Financial Yearb. Current Financial year e. Company informationc. Number Of Accounting Periode
a. Convertion Month d. Last mont Of Financial Yearb. Current Financial year e. Company informationc. Number Of Accounting Periode
a. Tahun periode akuntansi d. Jumlah bulanb. Bulan terakhir Periode akuntansi e. Tanggalc. Bulan Pertama periode Akuntansi
a. Akun, jenis usaha dan tipe yang disediakan MYOBb. Membuat daftar Akun Sendiric. Mengimport akund. Mengekspor Akune. Merubah Akun yang ada
a. Open c. Information e. Editb. Change d. drive
a. Account c. Purchase e. Card Fileb. Banking d. Next
a. Account c. Purchase e. Card Fileb. Banking d. Inventory
a. Memiliki saldo Nolb. Harus terikat dengan akun lainc. Harus Terkait dengan Transaksi yang terjadid. Harus memiliki saldoe. Behubungan dengan kode pajak
a. Edit> Copy c. Edit> Delete Account e. Edit>Cutb. Edit > Paste d. Edit> Clear
a. Memasukan daftar Customer dan Supplierb. Memasukan Persediaan barang dagangc. Memasukan akun-akun yang diperlukand. Membuat kode pajake. Melakukan penjurnalan
a. Klik Account>Account List>New d. Klik Account>Transactionb. Klik Account>Account List>Edit e. Klik Account>Purchasec. Klik Account>Record Journal Entry
a. Card file>Card List> Customer> Newb. Card File> Card List>Supplier>Newc. Card File> Item List> Customer>Newd. Card File>Item List> Supplier>Newe. Card file> Joblist> Customer> New
a. Setup>Linked Account>Purchases Accountb. Setup>Linked Account> Sales Accountc. Setup>Linked Account>Account&Banking Accountd. Setup>Linked Account>Tax codese. Setup>Linked Account> Banking
a. Setup>Linked Account>Purchases Accountb. Setup>Linked Account> Sales Accountc. Setup>Linked Account>Account&Banking Accountd. Setup>Linked Account>Tax codese. Setup>Linked Account> Banking
a. Purchases c. Inventory e. Card Fileb. Sales d. Banking
a. Menu List>Item d. Menu List>Tax Codesb. Menu List> Job e. Menu List>Itemsc. Menu List>Account
a. Setup>Balance>customer Opening Balancesb. Setup>Balance>Account Opening Balancesc. Setup>Balance>Job Opening Balancesd. Setup>Balance>Purchases Balancese. Setup> Balance> Supplier Balances
a. Setup>Balance>customer Balancesb. Setup>Balance>Account Opening Balancesc. Setup>Balance>Job Opening Balancesd. Setup>Balance>Purchases Balancese. Setup> Balance> Supplier Balances
a. Inventory> Item List d. Inventory> Item Registerb. Inventory> Adjust inventory e. Inventory> Build Itemsc. Inventory> Transaction journal
a. Item List c. Adjust Inventory e. Balanceb. Transaction Journal d. Account List
a. Purchases> Pay Billsb. Purchases > Enter Purchasesc. Purchases > Transaction Journald. Purchases > Record Journale. Purchases > Purchases Register
a. Sales > Receive Paymentsb. Sales > Enter Salesc. Sales > transaction Journald. Sales > Spend Moneye. Sales > Sales Register
a. Display c. Regional&Language e.Soundb. Personalization d. System
a. Report > Index to Report > Account > Profit&Loss >Profit&loss (Accrual)b. Report > Index to Report > Banking > Profit&lossc. Report > Index to Report > Account > Balance Sheetd. Report > Index to Report > Account > Transaction Jurnale. Report > Index to Report > Banking > Job
a. Current Financial yearb. Last Month of Financial Yearc. Conversion Monthd. Number of Accounting Periodee. Calendar Year
a. File c. List e. Reportb. Edit d. Setup
a. Tax Payable d. PPN outcomeb. Cash in Bank e. Sales Taxc. PPN Income
a. Tax Payable d. PPN Incomeb. Cash in Bank e. Sales Taxc. PPN outcome
a. Sales d. Spend Moneyb. Purchases e. Receipt Moneyc. Accounts
a. Enter Sales d. Spend moneyb. Receive Money e. Receive Paymentc. Enter Purchase
a. Pembayaran Utang dagang d. Retur pembelianb. Penerimaan piutang dagang e. Pembayaran gajic. Retur penjualan
a. Pembayaran Utang dagang d. retur pembelianb. Penerimaan piutang dagang e. Pembayaran gajic. Retur penjualan
a. Banking > Spend Money d. Banking > Reconcileb. Banking > Receive Money e. Banking > Prepare Bank Depositec. Banking > Bank Register
a. Sales > enter sales d. Purchases > Pay billb. Sales > receive payment e. Banking > Receive Moneyc. Purchase > Enter Purchase
a. Accounts d. Receive Paymentb. Record Journal Entry e. Bankingc. Spend Money
a. Reports d. Bankingb. Customise e. Displayc. Accounts
a. Laporan perubahan modalb. Laporan Arus kasc. Kartu persediaand. Laporan Laba?rugue. Neraca
a. Financial Charge d. Dateb. Amount Applied e. Accoutsc. Memo
a. Accounts &Banking Accounts d. Payroll Accountb. Sales Accounts e. Tax Accountc. Purchases Accounts